Support your school community reconnect and rebuild with CATALYZE!
During these uncertain times, we are working on allocating different resources that teachers can use for their well-being, as well as for the well being of their students.
We hope these online resources are helpful to you!
Resources for Teachers

Mindful Breathing Exercise
Building our resilience to daily stresses is a task that we are all working on. However, during times of crises, teachers face not only the stress of changes in their own lives and in their families, but also their deep concerns about the well-being of their students.

By Mark Greenberg
April 1, 2020
There is something going on in the back of the room. Two students are fighting over a piece of paper. The paper rips. Shouting begins. All of your students suddenly turn their attention to the back and you feel out of control. There’s just five minutes left and you still have to cover one more important point in your lesson.

By Tish Jennings
Dec 26, 2018